Website Terms & Conditions
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Use of the website
The website is owned by JUWO Evolved SmartWall Ltd (JUWO Evolved SmartWall™) and your use of this website constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions which take effect on the date of your first use of this website. JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions at any time by updating the text of this page.
Your continued use of the website constitutes continuing acceptance of the amended terms and conditions. When using this website, users of the website (“Users”) agree;
– To use this site only for lawful purposes
– Not to threaten or harass or otherwise violate the rights of others or restrict or inhibit the use of enjoyment of the site by any third party
– To not do anything which might or will damage or interfere with the functionality of the website or the materials contained within it
– Not to infringe the intellectual property rights of JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ or any other third party.
If JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ believe any Users to be in breach of the above terms, JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ shall be entitled to:
(i) warn Users to stop acting unlawfully
(ii) delete any material which may have been posted on the website without notice
JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ reserves all of its rights within this website. No part of this website, including, without limitation, information, images, photos, logos, names, icons or underlying software may be copied, republished, posted, broadcast, modified or in any way or reproduced in any form whatsoever without prior written permission of the copyright owner. That users agree that they will only use the website or download any materials from it for their own personal, non-commercial use. Users will not forward or distribute in any form, any of the materials to other persons or entities, even for non-commercial purposes.
The JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ trading style and logo is a registered trade mark of JUWO Evolved Smartwall Ltd. Both are the property of JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ and may not be used by Users without permission. All other trademarks and logos used in this website are the trademarks or logos of their respective owners, and Users are not entitled to use these without the permission of the relevant owner.
Limitation of Liability
JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ does not warrant that the functions and the material contained in this site will be uninterrupted or error free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or bugs or represents the full functionality, accuracy and reliability of the materials.
If any provisions of these terms and conditions are held to be invalid or otherwise unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions will not be affected. In the event of any inconsistency between these terms and those appearing elsewhere on the JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ website, then these terms shall prevail. These terms and conditions shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. Any disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
The website is intended to provide general information only and, as such, should not be considered as a substitute for advice covering any specific information. Users should seek appropriate advice before taking or refraining from taking any action in reliance on any information contained in this website. So far as permissible by law, JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ does not accept any liability to any person relating to the use of any such information.
Whilst JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ has taken every precaution in compiling this site neither it nor any contributors to the site can be held responsible for any action (or the lack thereof) taken by any person or organisation wherever they shall be based, as a result direct or otherwise, on information contained in or accessed through this website.