
Evolved Supplies engineering team are able to offer design and specification services for the JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ system.

These can also include the design of the foundations as well as design and calculations for the superstructure.

Effective Acoustic Insulation

The JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Blocks have a good acoustic performance in all applications.

Download JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Acoustic Information below:

Low Moisture Content

The more moisture the poorer the thermal insulation. Rule of thumb: For every 1% increase in moisture the thermal insulation decreases by about 10%. JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Blocks are dried and then fired.

They have the fastest drying time and the lowest residual moisture content of all comparable building materials, which have drying times of up to three years and longer. This means that JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ provide thermal insulation right from the start.

Extremely High Compressive Strengths

Through the special clay and a special production method, even the most highly insulating JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Blocks have extremely high compressive strengths.

JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ T and S series highly insulating SmartWall Blocks: more than 10 N/mm2. 10 N/mm2 corresponds to a load of more than 100 tonnes; i.e 10N/mm2 is, for a typical 365mm thick x 250mm long block, equivalent to nearly 100 tonnes. Of course, most buildings do not need this kind of compressive strength. However, it is helpful for numerous structural details and provides a sense of security.

Speed of Build / Cost Saving

Highly insulating JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Blocks really save money. Don’t be fooled by apparently cheaper building materials.

  • Because the JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Block is dry and cannot shrink, the wall can be rendered or plastered without a long delay.
  • Dry JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Blocks are thermally insulating right from the start. This drastically cuts heating costs.
  • Due to the dimensional stability of the JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Blocks and in connection with the recommended renders and plasters, the risk of subsequent cracking is significantly reduced.

A SmartWall Block house is also a safe investment you can actually use and enjoy right now.

Ecological & Sustainable Building

Ecological and sustainable building – ideally monolithic (plaster inside, JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Block, render outside- done).

Monolithic masonry façades without artificial insulation systems are free from harmful biocides (treatment with biocides to inhibit fungal and algal growth is problematic in ETICS systems).

The rubble from a JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Block house can be reused as recycled building materials.

All JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ blocks are certified with the newest Environmental Product Declaration JUWÖ – EPD under Norm ISO 14025 und EN 15804.

Universal Applications

JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Blocks can be used universally and flexibly for building everything from detached houses to multi-storey buildings. Blocks can easily be cut to translate interesting design concepts into reality.

Take a look at our Case Studies page for practical examples of JUWO Evolved SmartWall™.

Maximum Fire Protection

A JUWO Evolved SmartWall™ Block house provides maximum fire protection and safety through:

  • LABC approval for use up to 6 storeys – Structural & Fire safe.
  • A1 fire rating – the highest you can get.
  • The product is completely inert, therefore nothing to support combustion.

Due to it’s monolithic construction, the JUWO Evolved SmartWall system does not incorporate any additional petrochemical based insulation, required in standard cavity wall construction, to meet thermal level. During a fire, it’s this petrochemical insulation that burns, giving off toxic fumes such as cyanide and hydrogen sulphide.

Plastic membranes and tapes are not required to provide air tightness, this is achieved using a mineral based direct plaster finish to the internal face of the blocks. Sustainable – therefore totally natural with no chemical / single use plastics used.